Preventive Maintenence


  • MODULE DRIVERS AND SERVICE PACKS: There has to be a pretty compelling reason to update a module driver in the software. Often this requires a module download which may mean that your equipment is temporarily off-line. Sometimes this works fine, sometimes not. Understand the risks. Have your service provider take care of routine service pack installations.

  • A CURRENT SYSTEM: Keep your system current. Purchase the updated software after one or two releases past your current version. Make sure you are getting additional functionality out of the deal. Sometimes full version upgrades are only good for the service provider. Buyer beware! Waiting too long between version upgrades can cause your system to be completely out of date and unsupported. Upgrading here can be as expensive as a new system.

  • SYSTEM SETTINGS: User error is one of the biggest issues. Let your service provider keep the system as automated as possible. Stop locking things out! Let the building be automated. It will function better and save energy. You paid for automation, now let it be automated.

  • GRAPHICS: Fix those graphics that are wrong, backwards or appear to always be in alarm.

  • DOCUMENTATION: Get all the system changes and documentation in one place, and make sure everyone knows where it is! If your system is ten years old or more, chances are you have got a lot to document.

  • CONTROLLERS AND SENSORS: Consider their age and functionality. If you are past the ten year mark, you are going to get an "end of life" letter from the manufacturer. Work out an upgrade path that makes sense for the future use and tenant mix of your building and is done over time. Check the sensors but unless you have a validated system a "point to point" check out may not be necessary. From your trending you can see what sensors are giving you bad values. Sensors usually don't need any interim care, just a watchful eye for failures for the most part.

  • DATABASE: It's all your data, trends, alarms and critical point to point mapping. Make sure you have enough room on the computer or server. Make sure you are not trending things you don"t need and don"t help you troubleshoot. Clean it up. Compact the database if it has that functionality. Back it up on the server or computer and on an external storage device. Keep a fresh back-up handy at all times.

  • REMOTE SUPPORT: If you can give remote access to your service provider, you can save the cost of a four hour minimum for a "truck roll". If remote access is out then make sure you can at least call every time you have a question. It stings to be charged for a ten minute phone call to re-learn how to unlock a point. Make sure you can call anytime you need help.

  • NETWORK: The network is the "road" your automation system rides on. If it is old, narrow and full of potholes, the cars (or information packets) don"t get from point A to point B in a timely fashion.if at all. ALWAYS have your service provider check network health. Sometimes these issues disguise themselves as "intermittent" problems that are very costly to diagnose.

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